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LWV Member Portal (formerly ChapterSpot) Updates

LWV is switching to a new "LWV Member Portal" for all Leagues across the country the week of February 3rd, 2025. Below is an overview of what these changes mean for you.





When the "LWV Member Portal" launches the week of February 3rd, current members will receive an email to log in to the new membership portal. The portal invite and renewal reminder emails will come from this email address: The welcome email will come from lwv@lwv.orgOnce you access the portal, you will be able to update your own information, including contact information. You will not be asked to renew your membership until your renewal date. You will be given the option to sign up to auto-renew annually, and your membership covers one year. 

LWVUS on Why change?

February 2025 Launch

  • Increase membership
  • Make membership more accessible
    • reduce financial barriers: “pay what you can”
  • Uniform sign-up
    • same user interface regardless of access point
  • Provide more money to state Leagues
  • More efficient join/renew process
  • Ensure every league has an easy-to-use online ‘join button’
    • easier to join from any site including state and national
  • ChapterSpot will launch for all Leagues in February 2025
  • Starting the week of February 3rd…
    • emails being sent asking you to log in to the ChapterSpot portal
    • connect your existing membership with your email
    • update your own information, i.e. phone, email, mailing address) if needed
  • After you log in…
    • you will be asked to fill out a short survey from LWVUS and LWV-GCV
  • At your renewal time, you will use ChapterSpot to renew your membership

Dues will no longer be a fixed rate but will be pay-what-you-can. The recommended dues amount for all members across the country will be $75, but members can pay as little as $20 or more - including our current dues rate of $80.

Under the current system, LWV-GCV pays a “fixed rate” per member to LWV Wisconsin and to LWVUS. Under the new system, a “percentage of dues” will go to the state and national League. This means that when you renew, and if you would like to make an additional donation directly to LWV-GCV, this requires a second entry and not choosing a higher dues amount. 
There will still be the option to renew by check for members who don't use the internet, but members who are able to access the portal and renew that way are encouraged to do so.

Dues Amounts Summary

  1. Individuals will be encouraged to pay a standard rate of $75.
  2. There will be optional higher join tiers of $150, $250, $500; members in all tiers are equal in rights, responsibilities, and standing, regardless of the amount dues paid. 
  3. There will be a pay-what-you-can option where members can choose their own dues amount, with a minimum of $20.
Changes to the Dues Split and Flow of Dues
With the new dues split, LWVUS will receive a smaller percentage of dues, state will receive a larger percentage, but our local league will receive less. 

  • 20% to local Leagues (this is lower than our current fee of 22.5%)
  • 47% to state Leagues
  • 33% to the national League 
Changes to Membership Categories
  1. Members will join and renew through one national platform, with a link available on any League website. Members will be able to select the League they join, as they do now. ChapterSpot is the name of the membership platform. 
  2. There will be a mechanism to choose automatic renewals
  3. Membership types will include:
       - Members
       - Life Members
  4. The Student membership type is discontinued.
  5. Household memberships is discontinued. Members joining or renewing will have the option to add a second person during the join/renew process. The second member dues must equal the first member’s dues amount. Example, if the total payment you wish to make is $120 for two members, you would enter $60 for each member.
Renewal Process 
  • Will receive an email 60 days before your expiration date asking you to renew
  • If renewing before expiration, will retain your expiration date (it’s okay to renew early)
  • Click the link in the email to enter your email to verify it is you
     - you are emailed a verification code to enter in ChapterSpot to the renewal form
  • Given the option to sign up to auto-renew
     - you will not need to log in to renew in future years,
     - you will automatically be charged membership dues when your membership comes up for renewal
  • Grace period
     - unrenewed members will receive another email on their expiration date
     - 45 days after expiration you will receive a final email
     - 60 days after your membership expires, you will become inactive
  • at the time of Joining or Renewing, you have an option to add a donation (contribution), of which 100% goes to LWV-GCV
  • after joining or renewing, donations should be made on the LWV-GCV website, or via check
What Will Stay the Same
  1. Membership renewal dates will continue to be the same from year to year
  2. You will still be able to join and renew from a link on our local website
  3. You will still be able to join with a check 
  4. Local members will continue to be members at all three League levels: LWV-GCV, LWV Wisconsin, and LWV of the United States

Additional Resources
The resources listed below provide more information on the upcoming change...

On a member level, we hope these changes will make managing your membership easier. 

Still have questions? Please send an email to